

Pokémon GO

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Kategorie: Novinky, Pokémon GO

Pokémon GO - Profesor Willow má pro nás další informace o Rakeťáckých útržcích!

Pokémon GO - Profesor Willow má pro nás další informace o Rakeťáckých útržcích!

Blíží se aktualizace Rakeťáků a profesor Willow nás informuje o nových zjištěních!

Lídři týmů už profesorovi přinesli celkem 6 útržků, které pocházejí od Rakeťáků. O prvních dvou jsme již psali v předchozím článku. Dnes se zaměříme na zbývající 4 útržky.

Útržky od Sparka

Už před týdnem se při chytání hmyzích Pokémonů Sparkovi podařilo narazit na další dva útržky s postavami s logem Rakeťáků. Nepovažoval to ale za nic důležitého a zapomněl na ně. Nyní je přinesl profesorovi Willowovi, který mu prozradil, že podobné útržky objevila i Blanche. Spark při nalezení těchto útržků stejně jako Blanche viděl poskoky Rakeťáků, kteří ukazovali na nebe. Na jedné z fotek Weedlů navíc Spark s profesorem objevili bodobný létající objekt jako na fotce Clefairy.

Date: 7/2/20

Subject: [Willow Report] Sunny with a chance of scraps

After a day passed without any further clues, Spark came to my lab. He showed me two pieces of paper that depicted Team GO Rocket figures.

Spark said that he found the scraps about a week ago. When I asked him why it took so long for him to come forward with them, he simply responded, “I was out by the grass, hanging out with all the Bug-type Pokémon and looking for a Shiny Weedle, and I forgot I had them. Are they important?”

I gave him a weary look and told him that Blanche had brought in similar scraps of paper and that they’d also seen some Grunts acting suspiciously in the area. This seemed to have sparked a memory in the Team Instinct leader’s mind—while he was looking for the Shiny Weedle, he noticed some Grunts nearby pointing up at the sky. Maybe they were looking at the same object that was floating in the sky in the Clefairy image? Perhaps these occurrences are all connected somehow. This is quite peculiar...

—Professor Willow

Útržky od Candely

I Candela našla na zemi dva útržky. Podle profesora patřili Arlovi, protože na zadní straně jednoho z nich objevil popis jejich předchozího souboje. Profesor Willow se nyní dává do zkoumání všech útržků. Jeho dosavadní závěry jsou, že se jedná o návod na stavbu a ovládání horkovzdušného balónu, ale na další informace si budeme muset ještě počkat.

Date: 7/3/20

Subject: [Willow Report] I hope she’s OK

Candela stormed into my lab today and threw crumpled scraps of paper on my desk. As I opened them up, she shouted, “I was training my Ponyta out in the field and found these scraps of paper. At first, I thought they were trash. And after seeing who they belonged to, turned out I was right!” She then stomped off.

I glanced down at the pieces of paper and saw a figure that looked very much like a Team GO Rocket Grunt. On the back, there were detailed notes from a previous battle that, coupled with Candela’s reaction, led me to believe that this belongs to the Team GO Rocket Leader Arlo. I know it was a shock for Candela to discover that her old friend was working for Team GO Rocket. It seems she’s still feeling the pain of that betrayal. I’ll have to check in on her later.

In the meantime, I’m starting to piece the mystery together. Looking at the scraps of paper from the team leaders all together, it looks like they’re from...a balloon manual? Why would Team GO Rocket need a manual for just one balloon? I’ll need more evidence before I can make a definitive statement on the matter.

—Professor Willow

Vydáno: 4.7.2020 23:17 | 
Přečteno: 3166x | 
Autor: koca2000
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