

Pokémon GO

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Kategorie: Novinky, Pokémon GO

Pokémon GO - Profesor Willow nám představuje Rakeťačku Sierru

Pokémon GO - Profesor Willow nám představuje Rakeťačku Sierru

Aktualizace Rakeťáků se blíží a Profesor Willow nám představuje Sierru.

Blíží se aktualizace Rakeťáků a s ní také Special Research. Niantic nám to stejně jako minule dávkuje a vypráví nám prostřednictvím profesora Willowa příběh. V předchozích zprávách nám představil Mysterious Device, Rocket Radar a Cliffa. Nyní je tu zpráva o Sierre.

Pokud Niantic bude i nadále postupovat tak jako doposud, přijde ve středu 30. 10. zpráva o Arlovi a poté 1. 11. zpráva o Giovannim. Za jak dlouho poté se aktualizace spustí nevíme, ale nebude to dlouho trvat.

Podle profesorovi zprávy se Spark vydal s nehotovým Rocket Radarem na průzkum, aby zabránil Rakeťákům ukrást z Pokéstopu vejce a po vylíhnutí z Pokémonů udělat Shadow Pokémony. Při té příležitosti potkal Sierru. Vyzval ji na souboj, ale ta odmítla, když si všimla, že u sebe nemá Pokébally. Podle Sparka mluvila tak, že se zdá, že má za sebou roky zkušeností. Na závěr se dozvídáme, že se Spark přidá k práci na Rocket Radaru a pomůže Blanche a profesorovi.

Date: 10/28/19

Subject: [Willow Report] A shadowy sierra

Work continues to move forward on tracking Team GO Rocket. I’ve observed Blanche having a renewed sense of motivation as we improved upon the Rocket Radar prototype. Unfortunately, we had some...unexpected testing by our rambunctious Team Instinct Leader, Spark.

After his unauthorized testing, and a bit of reprimanding, Spark shared with me yet another unexpected encounter. He had ventured out on his own with the malfunctioning Rocket Radar that Blanche had been working on. He was concerned that since Team GO Rocket was stealing from PokéStops, that also meant they were taking the Eggs as well. Worried that they might hatch the Eggs and turn those Pokémon into Shadow Pokémon too, so he was determined to save as many Eggs as he could before Team GO Rocket got to them.

Even more concerning, he confirmed that he had a face-to-face with the woman in the decrypted images: Sierra. He told me that after he saved a few Eggs, Sierra appeared and mocked his rescue mission, which only riled Spark up further. He challenged her to a battle, however, his impulsiveness had gotten the best of him. His natural instinct to go out and protect these Eggs also left him completely unprepared to battle. Sierra noticed he had no Poké Balls and dismissed Spark’s challenge, saying not to waste her time as she disappeared into the shadows.

Spark told me that Sierra’s presence seemed different from the Grunts he’d encountered. He wasn’t intimidated by Team GO Rocket Grunts, but he felt small in Sierra’s presence. The way she spoke and moved gave off a sense that she had years of experience and training that outmatched his own. It appears as if Team GO Rocket has some formidable leaders after all.

Spark returned the Rocket Radar, which was still malfunctioning after Blanche’s adjustments. Blanche was obviously not amused by the adventures of a fellow team leader, but realized his use of the prototype provided additional insights into what could be causing the malfunction. The two began working together to find the source of the issue.

Since our team leaders have unique strengths (and weaknesses), I believe collaboration will be the key to our success.

—Professor Willow

Vydáno: 28.10.2019 18:40 | 
Přečteno: 1189x | 
Autor: koca2000
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